In the event of an industrial accident
If you live close to industrial plants:
Get information from the Mayor if the plants are at risk and whether an emergency plan is provided for in case of an accident.
In the event of an industrial accident:
When the risk of pollution is high, relevan Authorities can order the evacuation following the existing External Emergency Plan, that provides for the leaving modalities and meeting points.
• Follow the instructions given in the informative notices to the population distributed by the mayor to know what safety measures to adopt and how to behave.
• Take refuge in a closed in place to reduce exposure to the poisonous substances emitted from the factory
• Close doors and windows blocking up cracks with wet cloths, switch off air conditioners and air vents to avoid exchange of air with outside
• Pay attention to the information given by the authorities through loud speaker systems or other means and to any notices: the latter can provide useful guidelines on what to do and news about the situation
• Keep radio and TV switched on to have information until the all clear signal, and follow the guidelines given by the responsible organizations on what to do and news about the current situation.
• At the all clear signal, air the premises and tune in to the local radio stations to follow post-emergency developments.