18 giugno 2024

"I am civil protection too" school camps: 2024 edition

Online the map with over 250 activated camps, with the participation of about five thousand young people

Campi scuola "Anch'io sono la protezione civile" 2024

To contribute to risk prevention by disseminating good civil protection practices and to promote an understanding of the National Service's responsibilities. Also, to encourage young people to be active citizens and participants in environmental and territorial conservation and to enhance local responsibility by promoting knowledge and awareness of civil protection plans.

These are the main objectives of the "I am the civil protection too" school camps, which the Civil Protection Department organizes in collaboration with regional and national volunteer organizations. Since its first edition in 2007, these camps have trained and involved more than eighty thousand young people. 

The target audience of the "I am civil protection too" project is primary, secondary, and high school students between 10 and 16 years old.

In the 2024 edition, over 5,000 participants in 250 camps across the country will have the chance to engage in a one-week training program. This program includes practical exercises and theoretical lessons to introduce them to the Civil Protection System and the world of volunteers. They will gain insight into the volunteers' expertise and skills. The camps will be active from June to September.

The educational program is divided into three main subject areas:

  1. a main educational activity involving teaching children about the National Civil Protection Service, local emergency plans, and basics of forest fire risk;
  2. an optional educational activity offered by volunteer organizations covering topics such as first aid, orientation, civic education, and environmental sustainability;
  3. visits to the operational structures of the National Civil Protection Service, National Police, Carabinieri, State Forestry Corps, Fire Department, Guardia di Finanza-Italian Finance Police, and Coast Guard.