Effects of the earthquake: list of damaged towns and macroseismic intensity values
In the hours immediately after the earthquake on 6 April in L’Aquila and surrounding areas, a team of macroseismic measurement experts was sent in, with the aim of gathering information about the effects caused by the earthquake locally and to provide, as quickly as possible, a reliable picture of the effects produced, at least regarding the damaged area. These measurements were then repeated later and the results cross-checked by different teams, in order to give more reliable shared assessment.
On the evening of 7 April, about 36 hours after the main event, approximately 70 towns had been monitored. Subsequent checks and controls, many of them repeated over time, have allowed monitoring of effects in approximately 315 locations.
We can now publish the list of the damaged towns and villages, with respective macroseismic intensity values, which summarises the level and diffusion of the damage. Final assessment of MCS intensity for each location is the result of a joint decision. Intensity values for towns and villages were attributed using the Mercalli-Cancani-Sieberg macroseismic scale - MCS, which enables rapid application and provides assessment that is directly linked to the damage.
Macroseismic measurements were taken by the operators of the various bodies part of the Quest – Quick Earthquake Survey Team group, comprising: measurement teams from the INGV (National Institute for Geophysics and Volcanology) sections in Bologna, Rome, Naples and Catania, teams from the National Civil Protection Department with support from technicians from ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development) and teams from Basilicata University and the IMAA (Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis) National Research Council.