24 luglio 2016

Dewetra system

La gestione degli scenari di rischio

Dewetra is an integrated system for real-time monitoring and natural risks prevision and prevention. A system provides the necessary synthesis, integration and comparison for tool monitoring, risk scenarios vigilance and evaluation and possible evolutions. The project was designed thanks to an agreement between the Civil Protection Department and CIMA Foundation - International Centre for Environmental Monitoring and operates at the Civil Protection Department.

Dewetra uses a hybrid architecture which combines an integrated server for the back-up of data collected locally and web applications that allow a capillary distribution of the information. The software provides, through a graphic interface, high-resolution information continuously updated, allowing the user to track weather events, build detailed risk scenarios and evaluate phenomena potential impact on communities and infrastructures.

Dewetra allows any computer connected to internet to use, in geographic modality, the system data independently from the source. In fact, the software manages both the data used by the platform of Functional Centre National System and the territorial and geospatial ones, published as WMS service - Web Map Service- by other platforms. Dewetra is able to upload and visualize geo-referenced layers both static and dynamic, allows to view results of each measurement station and other observation tools more advances and offers interactive tools and functionalities to the usee to the analysis of ongoing or past events.